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UML Intoduction

In previous article about Lazarus IDE and Free Pascal compiler we began an important talk on how programming could be easy (thanks to other people's job).
Here is important to mention how a blind programming generally brings into a software with a short life-cycle, where not directly into failure.

As we like to remember on our site, theory and practice can travel together.
Software isn't an exception.

...continue reading "BOUML. Model your software"


Analog to digital converter

A sensor is usually an analog device. Analog devices are connected at the analog ports of arduino.
Arduino  with the use of AnalogRead function can read the analog sensor value from the specified analog pin.
The Arduino board contains a 6 channel 10-bit analog to digital converter. A 10 bit analog to digital converter as we have seen in the "Binary Decimal and Hexadecimal numeral systems" equals to a 210 – 1 = 102410  (0-1023 => 1024 steps).
If the resolution of arduino (1024 steps) does not cover your project you should use an external ADC converter with more that 10 bits.
For example you can connect the LTC2400 ADC which happens to be a 24 bit analog to digital converter.

...continue reading "Weight sensors and arduino"

Relay 5V

In this article we will talk about relays.
The relay is a device that permits with a small voltage to pilot a reed switch.
How this device should be applied on the circuit ?
How can we place it on an arduino ?
All these answers will be cleared in a while.
Let's start with some theory to see what happens in detail.
At the top of the relay we can see the 5V as input pilot voltage.
And we can see the 10A limitation at the 250VAC of the reed switch.
So with a 5 Voltage we can "switch" a 250VAC device that can consume up to 10A (P=V*I=2,5KW).
If you need to pilot a device that consumes more you should use a "bigger" relay that fit at your needs.

...continue reading "Relay and arduino"

Common Emitter is an expression to indicate exactly an electrical configuration where a part on three of BJT transitor (and only that kind of transistors) is used as reference for the other two.
So keep in mind it's impossible to make confusion with other contexts.

But... what's an emitter, or a transistor? why bjt? I'm instead confused!
And you're right if never seen one of them, neither in theory exposition.

Generally a transistor is a semiconductor device which you can regulate voltage and/or current in output with; maybe its name's explanation could give a bit of information more: transistor is the contraction of "transfer resistor".
According to their inventors it's been so called "because it's a resistor or semiconductor device that can amplify electrical signals as they are transferred through it from input to output terminals". ...continue reading "Common Emitter. Why and how to"

Differential Solution

In this theoretical article we will try to solve as easier as possible a generic first order differential equation.
This equation is always there to ruin our days 😆
If you try to solve a simple RC circuit is there and waiting for you.
It is quite annoying how many times you will find it at your way so we decided to solve this equation even for people who does not have a lot mathematical knowledge.
Lets start.

This is a generic First Order Linear Differential Equation

{{dy} \over {dx}} + P(x)y = Q(x)

Another way to remember it is

y' + P(x)y = Q(x)

So as you can see it is a first order differential equation since the y function is only derivated once.

...continue reading "First Order Linear Differential Equation"