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0 and 1 communicating

In a world of 0 and 1 bits the necessity to create a convention for communications rises up immediately.
They are the logical minimum set to create information (and the best one, as having been demonstrated), through possible variations between them. In absolute they're pure data.

Is it enough? certainly it isn't; we need at least a convention thanks to which creating an amount of interchangeable informations.

By basing on these last ones, we create again other more abstract new informations, and so on.

We're trying to summarize in few words a process that took many decades of years to assume a definitive common physiognomy, in the effort to bring computer science closer to human vision and vice versa: in a way you don't have to worry about what is happening under the hood... if you don't want!
But if you did? ...continue reading "Strange Types Circulating (in code)"

UML Intoduction

In previous article about Lazarus IDE and Free Pascal compiler we began an important talk on how programming could be easy (thanks to other people's job).
Here is important to mention how a blind programming generally brings into a software with a short life-cycle, where not directly into failure.

As we like to remember on our site, theory and practice can travel together.
Software isn't an exception.

...continue reading "BOUML. Model your software"

The lazarus project

Even if you're far away fromĀ  programming any kind of software, you could be surprised by how beginning is simple.
Yes. Simple!
Programming is commonly intended like a sort of magic, where a strange magician press buttons on keyboard, creating wonderful mysteries.
Where possible, let's start destroying this myth!

Using a metaphor, programming is cooking.
You just have written a or have a written recipe: reading it you can imagine where it brings you, but making it is better, maybe discovering that you like it as it is, you don't like at all and start to improve it, you don't like at all and start to worsen it.

...continue reading "Lazarus! Get up, pick your pc up, and program!"

Scidavis-logoIn every-day life compromise is a good way to go on; not only with people but in interaction with our world.
Think when you have to remember something, a good old friend you still don't meet since many years: how could you preserve the last record? but above all, how could you record every his/her single particular?
It's impossible; you have to retain just some important points, but not all.
In other words, some informations are lost: a truly necessary compromise. But remaining ones are enough to rebuild the original?

That's our article's target!

...continue reading "SciDAVis. Art of approximation"

Every package of software suite comes with an amount of collateral applications, extensions and/or libraries.
KiCad does the same; but sometimes default components aren't enough for specific goals.

Thanks to KiCad's popularity people around the world spent some of their time to enrich the base: so that you can find useful libraries or scheme directly for free on websites. Here some of them (in my opinion the most important):

Now think you don't find component you need among default and external or third-part libraries.
Two main solutions show to yourself:

  1. desperation, with profession abandon or change;
  2. design your own.

...continue reading "Kicad. From Software To Hardware Part3"