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Let's start with a simple arduino project. A blinking led. The digital pins of an Arduino have a maximum load rating of 40mA, so we do not want to exceed that. The voltage of the digital output pins are 5V.

So arduino digital output pins have these limitations :
An Imax=40mA  and Vout=5V. The led needs up to 20mA maximum. So we can easily power it directly from arduino board.

From the Ohm's Law we have V=Iled*R => R = V/Iled = 5V/0.02A = 250 Ω. For security reasons we use a bigger resistor (330Ω) so that the Iled<Imax.

...continue reading "From an arduino project to a standalone one"

And something else, which we'll start with before trying to regulate our traffic.

We'll use LEDs (Light Emitting Diode): 1 red, 1 yellow and... ?!?!
yes, 1 green.

In the first part every LED will be gradually turned from off to on and viceversa.

After that, the traffic lights:  just one LED on.

We need following stuff:
...continue reading "Manual and Automatic Traffic Lights"


In this article we will present one possible method to put a bootloader into a virgin Arduino's ATMega 328P.
We'll utilize :

  • Arduino 2009 board with power supply (via USB from PC or external);
  • A virgin ATMega 328P micro controller;
  • 4 wires.
Wire close up 1
Wire close up 2
Wire close up 3

...continue reading "Burn Arduino bootloader into ATMega328 (BitBang)"

test-without-bootloaderYou have an Arduino board and you bought a new ATMega328 microcontroller for new projects; after mounted it onto the board you discovered it doesn't work.
Why this?

In picture beside we can see something interesting: "avrdude" and specially "not in sync"; simply it's impossible to communicate or send datas to ATMega: it's not ready!

"Ready? what does it mean"!?
Think you have a baby: he's not ready to take care of himself, but you are, both for him and for you!

Same with microcontroller: control it by external hardware (adult to baby), or give it (baby) the way to become independent.

We're covering this second aspect, that needs a little piece of code.